How to cite:

General reference:

Wahl, D.B. & I. D. Gauld [July 27, 2024, 6:55 am]. Genera Ichneumonorum Nearcticae:

Specific pages should reflect the authorship at the top of the page. Examples:

Wahl, D.B. & I. D. Gauld [July 27, 2024, 6:55 am]. Genera Ichneumonorum Nearcticae-subfamily Lycorininae:

Wahl, D.B.[July 27, 2024, 6:55 am]. Genera Ichneumonorum Nearcticae-Taxonomy of Nearctic Lycorina

For website content and information, contact the American Entomological Institute.

Drawing and imaging credits:

Apechoneura sp., by Kakuzo Yamazaki. Copyright, American Entomological Institute

Images taken at the AEI by David Wahl unless otherwise noted. All image rights reserved; please contact the AEI for permission to use.


The editors of the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington and Journal of Hymenoptera Research graciously gave permission to reproduce articles.

Thanks to all of who have helped with the maintenance of this site, including Andy Deans, Hugo Kons, Katja Seltmann, Robert Wharton, and Matt Yoder.

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